Friday, November 6, 2009

Wild Mountain Papaya, Anti Oxidant Enzyme - Powerful immune boost...

Reviews : Wild Mountain Papaya, Anti Oxidant Enzyme - Powerful immune booster. Recommended by Kevin Trudeau as his very own cold and flu remedy

Wild Mountain Papaya, Anti Oxidant Enzyme - Powerful immune booster. Recommended by Kevin Trudeau as his very own cold and flu remedy
Product By Pristine Herbal Touch
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Lowest Price : $49.95
Available From 1 Sellers

Technical Details

  • Boost your immune system with the powerful anti-oxidants
  • Helps relieve asthma and allergies, increases energy & vitality
  • Powerful enzymes aid in digestion & breaks up mucus
  • Recommended by Kevin Trudeau
  • Nobel Prize winner Dr. Luc Montagnier prescribed the Papaya treatment for Pope John Paul II


Product Description

Suffering from colds, flu, or viruses like HPV (warts)?

BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM with the powerful ANTI-OXIDANT ENZYME POWDER from Pristine Herbal Touch!

Pristine Herbal Touch's ANTI-OXIDANT ENZYME POWDER is an entirely natural nutraceutical product with a variety of protective and healing effects on the body.

It is produced from a blend of fermented green fruit, seeds, skin and flowers of wild mountain papaya (Carica papaya Linn.) and dextrose.

The finished product, Pristine Herbal Touch ANTI-OXIDANT ENZYME POWDER, is a sour-sweet cream colored powder packed in 3 gram easy-to-open sachets. Pristine Herbal Touch ANTI-OXIDANT ENZYME POWDER is extremely stable and can be stored for years.

The mechanisms of curative/protective effects of Pristine Herbal Touch ANTI-OXIDANT ENZYME POWDER:
A. In Digestion
B. In elimination of cellular debris
C. In scavenging free radicals
D. In cell protection
E. As Immunostimulant
F. As a Metabolic Regulator

Wild Mountain Papaya is recommended by Dr. Luc Montagnier co-discoverer of the AIDS virus. Dr. Montagnier prescribed the anti-oxidant enzyme to Pope John Paul II as a treatment to ease the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

Wild Mountain Papaya is also recommended by Kevin Trudeau as his very own cold and flu cure.


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